Questionnaire and agreement prior to your participation

To complete your registration, please fill out the questionnaire and agreement form below.

This questionnaire is confidential and is reserved for the exclusive use of the facilitators of this training. Its sole purpose is to give teachers as many elements as possible in order to accompany you in the best possible way.

Please upload a small picture of you.
These photos will be used by the team during the workshop to help us remember names and faces. They will only be used for the purpose of this workshop and will not be distributed without your permission.
(Accepted formats : jpg, png, pdf. Maximum size : 2Mb.)

Participant’s agreement

  1. I take full responsibility for my experience and choices during this workshop.
  2. In all activities proposed, I agree to: monitor my participation, be mindful and responsible for my state of being, take care of my nutrition, get enough rest, and not exceed my own physical and emotional limits.
  3. I assume all risk from any consequences due to any pre-existing physical or psychological conditions that I may have.
  4. I agree to refrain from consuming any form of recreational drugs 24 hours prior to the starting time of and while attending the training.
  5. I assume all risk that could be linked to the medications that I usually take.
  6. I agree to release and discharge the teachers, assistants and organizers from any and all liability arising out of my participation in the training.